

Following the barricade fights in Berlin, a militia was established to ensure public security. Military involvement was to be prevented until absolutely necessary. As defence against overbearing monarchy and thus military it understood itself as democratic and urban-national organisation and was established all over German states in the wake of the brutal suppression of the Berlin protests and barricades. Koblenz’ militia was formed in late March with a statute published in the city’s newspaper. The first paragraph sets out the foundation of the militia, the honour, justice and good will of its members to guard persons and property. (‘Statut’ in StAK KH 127) Articles 2-4 cover the organisational aspects, while 5 and 7 enshrine the wearing of both national and city colours, 6 and 8 define what weapons are carried, where and by whom.

A national army was yet to be decided upon in Frankfurt, and remained a divisive aspect between national assembly and Prussian King between 1848-50. Militias filled the vacuum, but the adherence to National Assembly’s decrees on militias created conflict with Prussian and administrative orders locally. This resulted in disobedience against the authorities' orders in Koblenz. The Koblenz Bürgerwehr was disbanded in November 1848, nine days after the Berlin one.
