1787-9 Opening events of the French Revolution, summoning of the Estates General, proclamation of the national Assembly (17 June 1789), Storming of the Bastille, 14 July 1789, abolition of the ancien regime 4 August 1789, Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens 26 August 1789.

1791 20 June, Louis and royal family attempt flight to Varennes

1792 War declared On Austria; August, monarchy overthrown; opening of the National Convention ; proclamation of the first republic 22 Sept 1792.

1793 Execution of Louis; reign of terror May 1793-July 1794

1795 proclamation of new constitution and establishment of Directory

1799 Overthrow of Directory by Napoleon – est. of Consulate and introduction of a new constitution

1801-3 Brief Peace of Amiens before resumption of war with Britain.

1804 Napoleon declared Emperor, 1st Empire

1812 Napoleon loses major part of army in war with Russia.

1814 Napoleon defeated at Leipzig, sent into exile to Elba. Louis XVIII comes to throne.

1815 March to July – Napoleon’s brief return in the 100 Days, ending at the battle of Waterloo.  Completion of the work of the Congress of Vienna, re-establishing the monarchical order in European states that had fallen under Napoleon.

1824 Charles X accedes to the throne

1830 Revolution – overthrow of Charles; establishment of July Monarchy under Louis Philippe

1848 February Proclamation of the Second Republic; popular uprising ‘June days’; December, election of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte  as President of the Second Republic

1851 Louis Napoleon – coup d’etat

1852 Establishment of Second Empire

1870 Proclamation of the Franco-Prussian War; siege of Paris; declaration of the Third Republic.